Department of Food Hygiene and Aquaculture
This department has different educational branches such as Food Microbiology, Food Chemistry, Milk Hygiene and Technology, Meat Hygiene and Inspection, Food Hygiene and Quality Control, Food Industry of Animal Origin, and Aquaculture and Aquatic Animal Diseases. All the teaching and research activities of the Department of Food Hygiene and Aquaculture are carried out in well-equipped, advanced and independent laboratories. In addition to carrying out teaching and research services, the various branches of the Department of Food Hygiene & Aquaculture provide services for the faculty’s clinic and other public and private institutions involved in food production and quality control.
The department has established the PhD program for Food Hygiene since 2011 and the Master’s program for Food Hygiene and Quality Control since 2014.More
Davar Shahsavani |
Professor |
Department of Food Hygiene & Aquaculture |
| | |
+9838805624 |
Areas | Bachelor's | Master's | Ph.D |
Food Hygiene | - | - |
Food Hygiene and Quality Control | - | - |
Academic staff
Recent journal articles
Recent theses and dissertations
Recent research projects
Contact Information
Iran, Mashhad, Azadi Square, Ferdowsi University of Mashhad
Faculty of Veterinary Sciences, Department of Food Hygiene and Aquaculture
Phone: +985138805624