Department of Industrial Engineering

The Department of Industrial Engineering, founded in 2006 at the Ferdowsi University of Mashhad, is distinguished for its efficient, effective and up-to-date educational and research services while having broad national and international collaborations. In 2010, the first group of MS students were admitted to the program. The department of Industrial Engineering aims to train well-educated engineers and researchers who can put their knowledge to work for the society and become successful entrepreneurs. This aim is accomplished through education, research, and other relevant professional services. The Department of Industrial Engineering has sustained communication with the society members in order to recognize their needs and solve their problems through conducting applied research.

The Department of Industrial Engineering also attempts to train well-educated engineers and researchers capable of conducting genuine research of global significance to expand the boundaries of knowledge.

Ph.D. students in Industrial Engineering can start doing their thesis after passing a comprehensive exam. More

Head of the Department of Industrial Engineering
Mohammadali Pirayesh
Associate Professor
Department of Industrial Engineering

Concentration areas offered by the Department of Industrial Engineering
Areas Bachelor's Master's Ph.D
Industrial Engineering
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Academic staff

Farzad Dehghanian
Associate Professor
Seyed Mahmoud Hosseini
Hamidreza Koosha
Assistant Professor
Hossein Neghabi
Assistant Professor
Mohammadali Pirayesh
Associate Professor
Mohammad Ranjbar
Hamideh Razavi
Associate Professor
Babak Rezaee Khabooshan
Assistant Professor
Majid Salari
Associate Professor
Alireza Shadman
Assistant Professor


Recent books

Recent journal articles

Majid Kazemi, Mohammad Hossein Ghadiri Rad, & Hosseini, S. (2023). Geometrically Non-Linear Vibration and Coupled Thermo-Elasticity Analysis with Energy Dissipation in FG Multilayer Cylinder Reinforced by Graphene Platelets Using MLPG Method. Journal of Vibration Engineering Technologies, 11 (1), 355-379.
Rahmati, R., Neghabi, H., & Salari, M. (2023). Stochastic green profit-maximizing hub location problem. Journal of the Operational Research Society, 75 (1), 99-121.
Eshkofti, K., & Hosseini, S. (2023). The novel PINN/gPINN-based deep learning schemes for non-Fickian coupled diffusion-elastic wave propagation analysis. Waves in Random and Complex Media, (), -.
Ghorbanzadeh, M., & Ranjbar, M. (2023). Energy-aware production scheduling in the flow shop environment under sequence-dependent setup times, group scheduling and renewable energy constraints. European Journal of Operational Research, 307 (2), 519-537.
Ghorbanian, A., & Razavi, H. (2023). A new method based on ensemble time series for fast and accurate clustering. Data Technologies and Applications, 57 (5), 756-779.
Ahmadi Nadi, A., Yeganeh, A., & Shadman, A. (2023). Monitoring simple linear profiles in the presence of within‐ and between‐profile autocorrelation. Quality and Reliability Engineering International, 39 (3), 752-775.
Sharifi, R., Razavi, H. (2023). Investigation of the ordering behavior of a retailer in the revenue sharing and buyback contracts considering round number bias. Journal of Retailing and Consumer Services, 73 (), 103361-103361.
Ali Yeganeh, Shadman, A., Sandile Charles Shongwe, & Saddam Akber Abbasi (2023). Employing evolutionary artificial neural network in risk-adjusted monitoring of surgical performance. Neural Computing and Applications, 35 (14), 10677-10693.
Yeganeh, A., Parvizi Amineh, M., Shadman, A., Sandile Charles Shongwe, & Seyed Mojtaba Mohasel (2023). Combination of Sequential Sampling Technique with GLR Control Charts for Monitoring Linear Profiles Based on the Random Explanatory Variables. Mathematics, 11 (7), 1683-1704.
Hosseini, S., & Fengming Li (2023). Effects of strain gradient on Moore-Gibson-Thompson generalized coupled non-fickian diffusion-thermoelasticity analysis in a Love-Bishop nanorod resonator: A size dependent meshless implementation. Engineering Analysis with Boundary Elements, 152 (1), 383-396.
Zamiri Noghreh, E., Soroush Safarzadeh, & Ranjbar, M. (2023). Product safety assessment in a dairy dual-channel supply chain using game theory. Annals of Operations Research, 333 (1), 303-329.
Akbari, L., Ahmad Kazemi, & Salari, M. (2023). Operational planning of vehicles for rescue and relief operations considering the unavailability of the relocated vehicles. Socio-Economic Planning Sciences, 88 (), 101652-101663.
Rahmati, R., Neghabi, H., Mahdi Bashiri, & Salari, M. (2023). Stochastic regional-based profit-maximizing hub location problem: A sustainable overview. Omega, 121 (), 102921-.
Ashjaee, A., Pirayesh, M., & Dehghanian, F. (2023). Inventory management of manufacturers with yield uncertainty and lateral transshipment. International Journal of Industrial and Systems Engineering, 44 (3), 351-368.
Mohammad Saidi Mehrabad, Nooshin Atashfeshan, & Razavi, H. (2023). Reliability optimization model in man‐machine systems considering human factors in uncertain situations. Quality and Reliability Engineering International, 39 (7), 3140-3156.
Eshkofti, K., & Hosseini, S. (2023). A gradient-enhanced physics-informed neural network (gPINN) scheme for the coupled non-fickian/non-fourierian diffusion-thermoelasticity analysis: A novel gPINN structure. Engineering Applications of Artificial Intelligence, 126 (1), 106908-106908.
Hosseini, S. (2023). The modified CUF-EFG method for the dynamic analysis of GPLs-CNTs-reinforced FG multilayer thick cylindrical shells under shock loadings: A modified meshless implementation. Engineering Analysis with Boundary Elements, 156 (1), 499-518.
Aylin Pakzad, Saeed Adibfar, Razavi, H., & Rassoul Noorossana (2023). Process capability analysis for simple linear profiles. Quality and Quantity, 58 (3), 2183-2211.
Ziaei, F., & Ranjbar, M. (2023). A reinforcement learning algorithm for scheduling parallel processors with identical speedup functions. Machine Learning with Applications, 13 (1), 100485-100494.
Safdari Shadlou, M., Ranjbar, M., & Salari, M. (2023). A logic-based Benders decomposition algorithm for a repair crew routing and drone scheduling problem after a natural disaster. Computers and Industrial Engineering, 183 (1), 109542-109557.
Fazli, L., Salari, M., & Neghabi, H. (2023). A location-inventory-distribution model under gradual injection of pre-disaster budgets with application in disaster relief logistics: a case study. Soft Computing, 28 (3), 2125-2159.
Moghaddaszadeh, H., Ranjbar, M. (2023). Minimizing the Expected Renewable Resource Costs in a Project with Stochastic Resource Availability. Asia-Pacific Journal of Operational Research, 41 (1), -.
Atefi, R., Salari, M. (2023). Solution of a practical vehicle routing problem for monitoring water distribution networks. Journal of the Operational Research Society, 75 (10), 1989-2007.
Mesrzade, P., Dehghanian, F. (2023). A Bilevel Model for Carbon Pricing in a Green Supply Chain Considering Price and Carbon-Sensitive Demand. Sustainability, 15 (24), 16563-16563.
Lotfi, R., Shadman, A., Asadi, A. (2023). Effectiveness of Gait Training Using Dynamic Bodyweight Support System on Locomotor Abilities of Ambulatory Children With Different Neural Disorders. International Clinical Neurosciences Journal, 10 (), e14-8.
Modares, A., Motahari Farimani, N., & Dehghanian, F. (2023). A New Vendor-Managed Inventory Model by Applying Blockchain Technology and Considering Environmental Problems. Process Integration and Optimization for Sustainability, 7 (5), 1211-1239.

Recent theses and dissertations

Hasanpour, J. (2023). coordination in saffron supply chain based on contract farming. , ( Department of Industrial Engineering). Faculty of Engineering, Ferdowsi University of Mashhad, Mashhad.
Abbas Zadeh, A. (2023). Designing a Stochastic Bi-Level Model in Electricity Market with Setting an Upper Bound on Price for the Commodity of the Consumers as Government Price Intervention. , ( Department of Industrial Engineering). Faculty of Engineering, Ferdowsi University of Mashhad, Mashhad.
Karimi Hasanabadi, M. (2023). Biofuel supply chain network design under uncertainty and disruption. , (Doctoral dissertation of Department of Industrial Engineering). Faculty of Engineering, Ferdowsi University of Mashhad, Mashhad.
Golmakani, G. (2023). Optimizing Vehicle Routing for Recyclable Collection: A Profitability-Centric Approach for Drivers. , (Master's thesis of Department of Industrial Engineering). Faculty of Engineering, Ferdowsi University of Mashhad, Mashhad.
Tabasi, P. (2023). Attribution modeling using customer journey data analysis. , (Master's thesis of Department of Industrial Engineering). Faculty of Engineering, Ferdowsi University of Mashhad, Mashhad.
Amini, Z. (2023). A machine learning-based algorithm for predicting stochastic systems behavior. , (Master's thesis of Department of Industrial Engineering). Faculty of Engineering, Ferdowsi University of Mashhad, Mashhad.
Hormozzadeh, P. (2023). Collaborative Horizontal Load Exchange and Routing with Centralized Planning for Individual and Group Customers. , (Master's thesis of Department of Industrial Engineering). Faculty of Engineering, Ferdowsi University of Mashhad, Mashhad.
Abdolahzade Khadar, K. (2023). Providing a dynamic model for determining loan guarantees and releasing them over time.. , (Master's thesis of Department of Industrial Engineering). Faculty of Engineering, Ferdowsi University of Mashhad, Mashhad.
Zakeri Nejad, F. (2023). Weapon-target assignment and fire scheduling for helicopters. , (Master's thesis of Department of Industrial Engineering). Faculty of Engineering, Ferdowsi University of Mashhad, Mashhad.
Hosseinzadeh Chenaran, S. (2023). Identification and analysis of the risks of adjusting parameters of the ventilator device in the ICU department. , (Master's thesis of Department of Industrial Engineering). Faculty of Engineering, Ferdowsi University of Mashhad, Mashhad.

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Iran, Mashhad, Azadi Square, Ferdowsi University of Mashhad

Faculty of Engineering, Department of Industrial Engineering

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Fax: +985138807183

Postal code: 917751111